SEVEMA-miembros-Engjunio 23, 202491Views0Likes0CommentsByEMA MxWe want to move towards new destinations through a sustainable mobility proposal with electric vehicles powered by lithium-ion batteries. ClientClient nameYear2024AuthorAuthor nameShare With SEV we want to move towards new destinations through a sustainable mobility proposal with electric vehicles powered by lithium-ion batteries. We dream of a present in which intelligent technology is for everyone, therefore, we work for the development of innovative systems that allow voice control in Spanish, as well as autopilot technology. We work to offer a different proposal, of quality and great confidence that big cities demand with the support of one of the best EV brands, leader in the Asian electric car market, present in more than 17 cities and regions in Europe. With a focus on continuous improvement, SOLAREVER and SEV were born not only to be just another be one more proposal, but to lead the national energy market, satisfying the needs and exceeding expectations in quality. We want to be an agent of global change, with pride in our past and love of the present, love of being Mexican. WEB SITE Return to